• ADDRESS A Pocket Full of Posies
    141 4th Street East
    Saint Paul, MN, 55101
  • CALL US (651) 272-9632
The Heartfelt Sadness Bouquet

The Heartfelt Sadness Bouquet


A Pocket Full Of Posies always uses the freshest and high-quality flowers available at the time of your order. This bouquet is all white, howeve, making it in color is absolutely an option. Please make a note of colors desired. We also offer add-ons such as small, American flags, and assortment of angels, and crosses. The heartfelt sadness and condolences bouquet Flowers may include white, lily, white hydrangea, white roses, white spray, roses, white Veronica white stock, white Gladiolas, white palms and an assortment of greens . A Pocket Full Of Posies strives to use a beautiful assortment of greenery that is on hand. Adding beauty and texture to your arrangement.

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